Sylvester Staline is a power-violence band from France that has been around for far too long. I'm not sure about the name but I think they were trying to combine Sylvester Stallone and Joseph Stalin, but they spelled it wrong. Probably due to the massive amount of drugs they are on. Or maybe because they're french and can't do anything right... 'MERICA WHOO!! Today I bring you their 2005 release entitled "Gonna Spread Hard Drugs To Your Stupid Kids With The Royalties Generated By This CD". It features 33 short ass songs mostly clocking in at under one minute in length. Classic tracks like "Seth Putnam Is A Rip-Off", "Internet Thugs", and "I Drive Drunk To Smash Cop Kids". They've done a bunch of splits with some really awesome PV bands from here in the states, Magrudergrind being one of them. Up the punx.
it's ya boii,