мища... мища... мища... I had the pleasure of touring with these three young rapscallions this past summer throughout the new england states and it was an experience I won't soon forget. At first glimpse they are a bit of an intimidating bunch, with their long crusty dreads, rat tails, and no shortage of flare or facial hair. Like if you were to walk up to them and try to start a conversation you might catch a wicked tongue lashing, but nothing could be further from the truth... All three of them are real stand-up gentlemen that would do almost anything for a friend in need. Except for Alex.... ha just joshing, even Alex.
Anyways... It seems to me like there has been an outburst of twinkley post-rock skramz coming from our neighbors in the Chesapeake state recently in these past few years. Great bands like Pianos Become the Teeth, Age Sixteen, Pansori... but the difference between the aforementioned bands and мища is very evident. мища doesn't rely on any elaborate means of conveying emotion to the audience, they put everything they have on the table for you to judge. Pure and simple. Take it or leave it. Each song carries a completely unique portrayal to each individual. This is what makes мища such a great band in my opinion. I remember being on tour and talking about starting a "mosh pit" to get people into their set a little more, but to my surprise, every time they begun to play I ended up being held captive by the raw amount of passion which inevitably left me motionless.
Check out this band is you havn't already.
Its ya boii,
click here for complete discography!